Wednesday, March 1, 2023

T-shirts and Tennis Shoes


As a recent retiree, I am amazed at just how quickly my change in wardrobe style has become more normal to me than my previous office attire was.  My normal daily attire is now t-shirts and tennis shoes with the stretchiest  jeans I can find.  It wasn’t until I had to get “dressed up” one day that I realized how much I love wearing t-shirts and tennis shoes, and just how comfortable they are.

I am only two months into my new world of retirement and still trying to figure out how to navigate this wonderful adventure.  The most frequent question I heard from co-workers, friends and family before I retired was, “So, what are you going to do after you retire?”  And even now, people ask me what I’m doing since retirement – in other words, how am I spending my time?  And I have to admit that those questions were always at the top of my list, right along with wondering if we can make it financially without my income.   I have to say that I am staying busy with a variety of activities, so my hope for this blog is to share some of the interesting ways I am spending my time, new things I am learning, and to maybe help other people along the way in their retirement journey.

During the years leading up to the decision of when to retire, my thoughts were to leave the workforce at the end of the year I turned 62. I knew that I would be able to draw Social Security at that point if needed, and I felt that I would be ready to retire.  The year I turned 62 just happened to be 2020, and we all know what happened that year…..COVID-19.  The pandemic turned our world upside down and changed the workplace, possibly permanently.  For a while, my workplace had more people working from home than actually in the office.  But due to the nature of my job, I was one of the few who was never sent home to work and remained in the office.  So retirement was put on the back burner and I had to re-evaluate when would be the best time to end my career.

After much thought and prayer, I made the decision to retire at the end of 2022. I gave my boss a one year notice at the end of December 2021, and I worked through December of 2022. I felt complete peace about my decision and never wavered as I finished my last year of being employed.

It is good to make plans and have goals for how we want to spend retirement, but sometimes life-changing events will happen and it can rock our world.  And it happened to me.  I will save that story for next time…


  1. Hi Kathy, Thank you very much for your visit and comment. You will find retirement is wonderful. I can't believe I've been retired since 2004. The years really fly by. Welcome to the blogging world.

    1. Thank you! I'm excited about so many new opportunites.

  2. Welcome to the world of ‘however did I find time to go to work’. Don’t stress over what to do - just do it - or don’t do it - it’ll get done sometime! I’ve been at it for quite a few years now and find the things that didn’t/don’t get done weren’t that important after all😊
    Oh I came over from Kay’s blog

    1. Thank you for checking out my blog. Look forward to reading more of yours!

  3. Welcome! I'm looking forward to reading about your journey.

    1. Thank you so much! I am enjoying the journey so far :-)

  4. Welcome to the world of blogging. Retirement is a good time to start documenting your journey. And I agree with you about t-shirts and tennis shoes....most comfortable 'uniform' out there.

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome and for checking out my blog! After reading a couple of your posts, I look forward to following yours also. And I'm so sorry for your loss, and wish I'd been able to read your caregiving posts a few years ago when I was helping with my parents.


Cooking with Coconut Milk

 I have really enjoyed having more time to cook since I retired.   The past few days I have tried several new recipes including my mother’s ...